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WICHE Tuition Rate

WICHE map includes: WA, OR, ID, NV, CA, MT, WY, UT, AZ, NM, CO, ND, SD, AK, HI, and U.S. Pacific Territories & freely Associated States: Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands, Guam, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, and Republic of Palau

The state of Washington has been a member of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) since 1955. WICHE is a 15-state commission working to improve access to higher education for students in the western region.

The University of Washington’s Master of Science in Clinical Research Speech-Language Pathology (CoreSLP) is part of WICHE’s Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP), which makes this program available at a reasonable cost to students living in the following states, as well as Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands:

New Mexico
North Dakota
South Dakota

Applicants from any of these states or regions who are accepted into the CoreSLP degree program and apply for the WRGP rate will be charged the UW’s resident tuition rate instead of the nonresident rate that out-of-state students pay.

WRGP Rate Eligibility

If you’re interested in receiving the WRGP tuition rate for the CoreSLP program, you must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Residency. Only legal residents of one of the eligible states and regions listed above are eligible to apply for the WRGP tuition rate. You must provide evidence of residency at the time of application.
  2. Minimum GPA. You must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Please note that all financial aid decisions, including approval of the WRGP tuition rate, are based in part on academic merit and performance.

Application Process

The selection committee gives preference to applications from WICHE state residents first and then residents of other states. All applicants are notified of admissions decisions in the spring. If you receive an offer of admission and are eligible for the WRGP resident rate, we’ll notify you about the WRGP application process at that time.

Additional Tuition Rate Information

If you accept our offer of admission, we’ll coordinate directly with UW Student Fiscal Services to implement a WICHE tuition waiver granting the WRGP resident tuition rate. However, you’re responsible for communicating directly with the Office of Financial Aid about your FAFSA application and any other aid.

The awarded WRGP resident rate applies to tuition for both years of the degree program. You don’t need to reapply for the WRGP rate each year.

Maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress

All students granted the WRGP tuition rate must maintain good academic standing in the department to continue receiving the resident tuition rate. Failure to maintain the minimum UW Graduate School and Department requirements for satisfactory scholarship and progress can result in a withdrawal of the WRGP resident tuition rate.